How do I start beekeeping?

How do I start beekeeping?

Welcome to Beeopic! If you ended up on our website it’s because you wanted to know more about beekeeping or even become a beekeeper yourself. But, like many before you, you are wondering: how do i start beekeeping? It may seems a little intimidating at first, am I...
Bees’ sense of touch

Bees’ sense of touch

A sense of touch Bees’ sense of touch can reasonnably be compared to man’s: their antenna is similar to our hands, but the difference is that the rest of their body is sensible to touch and thus used by bees to be more aware of their surroudings. Beens’ sense of touch...
How do I start a bee farm?

How do I start a bee farm?

To begin in beekeeping, you only need one thing: a hive with bees and queen. It is the obvious and simplest firsst step, you would just need to buy it from a senior beekeeper. He/she will provide you with either a hive already full of bees, or a nucs 5-frame that you...
How much does a bee hive cost?

How much does a bee hive cost?

The quickest and easiest way to start in backyard beekeeping is to buy a complete hive with bees and queen. Price for a complete hive is $350. This includes the floor, an 8-frame Langstroth body, a roof, bees and one queen.This full hive was raised in northern...
How do beekeepers get bees?

How do beekeepers get bees?

To get its first beehive, the young beekeeper can pick a swarm in a tree in the spring. It remains random and harvesting a swarm is not easy the first time. You can simply buy a nucs from a professional beekeeper. To create a split, commercial beekeeper divides one of...