Harvesting your supers

Harvesting your supers

Harvesting times differ according to what honey you want. If you want a specific plant’s honey, you need to harvest right at the end of this plant’s blossoming. However, if you want a multi-plant honey, you have to wait until the end of the last blossoming, which...
How to store your supers?

How to store your supers?

Now that the beekeeping season is finished, you can store your super until the next one. However you should follow some rules in order to maximize the time you can use the same supers, that way saving money and time along the way. Firstly, you should only store supers...


Beeboard, a free hive-tracking app A free app to track your hives in the field and at home. No more problem gathering informations about your hives !!!In addition, Beeboard is made to facilitate the efficiency of queens and especially their descendants, without...


Also called « the bees’ vampire », the varroa is a true disrupter of any beekeeper’s schedule and apiary. Varroa’s invasion are very difficult to contain and most of the time will infect all the colonies and very quickly too. Epiodemology story A varroa is...