When should I add another box to my beehive?

When should I add another box to my beehive?

Adding another box to your beehive will depend on several factors such as the size of the hive, the strength of the colony, the season, and the availability of nectar and pollen sources. Typically, beekeepers add another box, also known as a super, when the current...
What is the best pollinator for apple trees?

What is the best pollinator for apple trees?

The most effective pollinators for apple trees are other apple trees of a different variety, particularly those that bloom at the same time as the tree that needs pollination. This is because apple trees are not self-fertile, meaning they require pollen from a...
What to do at a Beehive in May in Northern California

What to do at a Beehive in May in Northern California

In May, Northern California is in the midst of spring, and honeybees are very active as they gather nectar and pollen to feed their colony. Here are some things you can do at a beehive in May in Northern California: Check the hive: Check the hive for signs of health...
Is it better to buy a nuc or a package of bees?

Is it better to buy a nuc or a package of bees?

The choice between buying a nuc (short for nucleus colony) or a package of bees depends on a few factors, such as your experience level as a beekeeper, your budget, and your goals. A nuc is a small colony of bees that includes a queen, brood, honeycomb, and worker...
When to move bees from nuc to hive

When to move bees from nuc to hive

Bees can be moved from a nuc (short for nucleus colony) to a hive when the nuc has established a strong population and has filled most of the frames with brood and honey. This usually takes between 4-6 weeks after the bees have been installed in the nuc. Before moving...